Privacy Policy

No user data is collected on this site. There are no tracking cookies or other trackers. All contents including images and fonts are hosted locally for maximum privacy.

There are two non-tracking cookies for the dark mode and light mode switching to work. This switching is for reasons of accessibility, as some people have difficulty reading light websites and others have difficulty reading dark websites.

This site contains links to other websites. If you click on these external links, you will be taken to other sites with their own privacy policies. External links are marked with a ⧉ symbol, and will usually open in a new tab. Please consult these other sites’ privacy policies when you visit them.

Why don’t you have a cookie pop-up?

The ubiquitous “can we use cookies?” messages you see on many websites are a bit deceptive. It’s not cookies they are asking about, they are actually asking if they can track you on the internet. European Union law requires sites to get permission before tracking someone online, but because tracking sounds creepy almost all sites dress this permission up as a general question about cookies.

This site doesn’t use tracking cookies (or trackers of any kind) and doesn’t track anyone, so there isn’t a need for a pop-up.

What is a cookie anyway?

“Cookie” is just a technical term for a little bit of information stored on your computer or phone, usually in connection with a website or other online service. Different kinds of cookies do different things, and a cookie’s specific function makes it good or bad.